Group Communication

Public Relations for Nonprofit Organizations course taught by Dr. Corrine Weisgerber used a combination of lectures, discussions, and service-learning that gave us an in-depth study of public relations theory and practice as it relates to nonprofit organizations. In this course we explored the nonprofit sector and the role of public relations within that sector. We examined challenges faced by the nonprofit sector and discussed how effective public relations planning can help nonprofits attract donors, volunteers, and clients. Dr. Weisgerber taught various public relations concepts/theory, and also helped us gain real world experience by developing a PR plan for a local nonprofit organization.

PR Campaign for Multicultural Refugee Coalition

  • Collaborated with 3 of my peers and developed a PR plan following the strategic communications planning matrix
  • Researched, planned, and implemented communications campaigns specifically tailored to the needs of the nonprofit organization
  • Identified and used PR tools that increase awareness and created interest in the nonprofit, raise funds, recruit volunteers, and generate media exposure
  • Set goals and objectives for the organization in order to solve the problems they were facing
  • Described the difference between the profit and non-profit sector and explained the unique challenges faced by the nonprofit sector
  • Used new collaborative social media technologies to managed team work and researched target audience and raised awareness of clients’ PR needs
  • Provided the Non-profit with a PR campaign including: press kit, backgrounder, media relations sheet, pitch letter, calendar, communication confirmation table, brochure, executive summary
  • Created PowerPoint presentation and pitched campaign to client
PR Campaign for the Multicultural Refugee Coalition 

PowerPoint Presentation for Multicultural Refugee Coalition Pitch

Press Kit 

Calendar for Multicultural Refugee Coalition

PR Executive Summary 

Communication Confirmation 

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